Monday, October 19, 2015

October News

Much of our time in Kindergarten in October is spent continuing to build relationships with  each other, exploring the many beauties of Autumn, recognizing all that God has given us and the importance of being Thankful, new songs, poems and stories, as well as patterning, counting and our Pals sounds.

Students will explore a variety of leaves, plants, and pumpkins, gourds, and squash at the science table.

We will begin to collect leaves and bringing them to school, we will sort, compare, and measure while appreciating their similarities and differences as well as beauty! We will also take a Fall walk through our school neighborhood and use our five senses to find signs of Fall.

Free play time has allowed our students to continue to develop team work through our  many different building projects, to build skills in conflict resolution, sharing and taking turns, encouraging each other and working together for a collective goal- clean up!

Reading and Writing activities have included sight words, being a "the" detective in the newspaper, student names, big books, and Thanksgiving and Halloween books (fiction a term that they are learning means made up or pretend) and books about Autumn and growing pumpkins (non-fiction a term they are learning means real) and various Pals sounds (a, m, f, b, s,t, c) and words (the, is).

Math activities included counting turkeys, pumpkins, students, leaves... Patterning continues to be popular as well including the numbers on our calendar, students practicing during free play, and stamping patterns. 

Homework Corner:
- read a fictional story to your child. When finished, ask questions about who the characters were, what happened in the story, what was the problem?, how the problem was resolved, where the story took place...
-read a non-fiction story. Children love to learn about how things grow, live, are made. You can ask questions about what was learned.
- use household items to count, and pattern (silverware, cereal, small toys like cars, Lego, beads...)

Ojibway field trip is Tuesday, October 27th.
Fundraiser card sales continues. Please support our school by selling boxes, $20. Our kindergarten goal is to sell one box per student and then we will celebrate with a pyjama day for our kindies!
Social justice is collecting cans for the poor and milk bags to create sleep mats for people in Haiti. Used batteries are also being collected. Please help us learn to be charitable! See link!

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