Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten at St. Gabriel School 2015!

We are pleased to be teaching your child this year and anticipate a wonderful year of discovery, growth and appreciation for the love of learning! Your child’s learning opportunities will be provided by Mrs. Wasyluk (classroom teacher), Mrs. Ball (registered early childhood educator), Mrs. Pella (educational assistant), Mrs. Pizzuti (educational assistant).  

Quick List of Items for School:
1. One pair of labelled shoes that your child can put on independently. They should be appropriate for use in the gym and will be left at school.

2. A change of clothing stored in a labelled zip-lock bag. These items will be also be left at school. (Please be aware of seasonal needs in clothing choice)

3. A backpack and lunch case, labelled with child’s name.

Optional Items: glue sticks, washable colour markers, dry erase markers, Play- doh, Kleenex, two dollars to help offset the cost of various craft supplies used through the year.

School Procedures:
1. Arrival/Dismissal: school begins at 8:10. Students are welcomed to enter the school and go to their classrooms beginning at 7:55. Teachers will be there to greet them. The children will be dismissed at 2:45, with bus students leaving the classroom at 2:40.

2. A note from home is necessary for any changes in dismissal routine. (e.g. If someone is coming to pick up your child from school).

3. Visiting the school: all visitors are asked to please report to the office and sign the visitor’s book.

4. Communication: a mail folder will travel with your child to and from school in your child’s backpack to support communication. Please feel free to place any notes (e.g.  change in transportation routine, a significant event in your child’s life that might day. Please check the mail folder regularly.

5. Outdoor play: please dress your child appropriately according to the weather. The children will have outdoor experiences/recess daily. Please clearly label shoes, coats, boots, hats, etc. with your child’s name.

6. Absences: please phone the school if your child is absent or late (519)969-3230

7. Lunch and Snack: our classroom and school are peanut aware. Do not send any snacks that include any peanut ingredients. Please support your child in being as independent as possible by providing food that they can open and eat with minimal assistance.

8. Birthdays: please do not send cakes, cupcakes and treats due to student allergies. We will celebrate each of the children on their special day.

There will be many new and exciting experiences for your child this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact one of us at school. We look forward to a rewarding and fulfilling year learning with your child.  Sincerely, Mrs. Wasyluk & Mrs. Ball  

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