Thursday, November 27, 2014

Santa Claus is coming... to kindergarten!

Dear Parents/Guardians,
We will be having a special visit from Santa himself on Wednesday, December 10th! The children will have the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap for a picture. We will also have a pancake breakfast at school following Santa's visit. The cost for breakfast and Saint Nick will be $2.00/child. Please send a Toonie in a plastic bag as soon as possible.

Thank You,

J.K/S.K Team

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November News!

The new kindergarten grocery store!
Remembrance Day 2014
Leaf sorting
Colour matching 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Helping those in need!

The students from St. Gabriel formed a huge food chain to help deliver can goods to the less fortunate. Way to go Guardians!
Click here to read the full article on

Kindergarten T-Shirt Order

We have posted a survey to see if any parents would be interested in purchasing a t-shirt for their child. They are specifically for kindergarten and would have all of the children's signatures on the back. They are $12.95 and come in a variety of colours and sizes. If we have enough interest, than we can put an order in. Thanks :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kindergarten Highlights October

Big Book: "Do You See Colours?" Students learned to read this simple pattern book as well as discover objects of various colours. Writing activities included making charts of things that are red, and using the big book as a template for writing their own colour books and stories.
Poetry: "Apple Tree", "Five Little Pumpkins", R-E-D, and Y-E-L-L-O-W. Students learned to read the poems and do the actions that go with them.

Pals: sounds: a, m, t, s, b, d, f, c, n, and sight words the, and, was, is, at, red and yellow. Please help your child practice these sounds at home and find things in the environment that begin with these sounds and find sight words while reading to your child in order to reinforce skills learned at school.

Music: Mr. Leblanc has helped us learn about rhythm with musical instruments and explore various musical notes. We continue to learn new songs about pizza and Halloween and move to music.
Science: We are learning to conduct simple experiments by wondering about things in nature. We asked questions, made predictions, set up tests, made observations, charted our findings and drew conclusions. We wondered if apples and their seeds would float. After our experiments we realized apples float but their seeds do not! 
We explored many items found in the fall including leaves, seeds, gourds, apples, bark, and pumpkins. Our field trip to Tiessens orchard was very interesting and helped us learn about how things grow.
Data Management and Patterning: Students continue to practice sorting and patterning skills during playtime.
Numeration: We have done loads of counting including grouping Popsicle sticks in groups of five as tally marks and then counting by five as we counted down the days in October.
Measurement: During our pumpkin exploration we measured the height of our pumpkins with snap cubes and how big around our pumpkins with links. We also weighed our pumpkins on a scale. We competed with Mrs. Thrasher and Ms. Bishop's class in a pumpkin challenge and we were the winners! 

Religion: Thanksgiving was a wonderful time to share stories of Jesus healing the ten lepers and only one returning to thank Him. We talked about how we feel when people thank us and how we feel if people do not say thank you. We talked about the importance of being grateful and ways we can show gratitude. Each student shared what s/he is grateful for to help us build our beautiful fall board. We also  learned a new "Thank You" prayer. 
Students participated in the Canned Food Drive and learned the importance of sharing with those less fortunate. Thank you to all who helped St. Gabriel donate over 3700 items to the Downtown Mission. We were treated to a Halloween Dance in the gym for our outstanding generosity.

WOW Winners for October: Helping Others! Mackenzie C. and Landyn. Congratulations!